For all natural gas, oil, water intake and discharge pipelines, fiber optic, electrical cable lines and platforms, buried or open under water;
High resolution detection of structures that may create obstacles in the project area, determination of appropriate routes and areas, displacement control
Inspection of structural problems such as faults, folds, etc. on the route
Determining the bearing capacity and mechanics of the soil
Evaluation of the life and wear status of the line
Determining the forces that will affect the line through current measurements, ensuring that discharge and water intake structures are positioned in the correct place.
Examining and evaluating external factors such as ship traffic and biodiversity
Clearing the construction route
Construction of underwater pipe and cable lines, placement on the seabed, trenching and burying services
Controlling services for project compliance
Support and supply services during construction, Post-construction control and cleaning activities
Inspection of currently used lines for structural damage and risks using a Remote Controlled Underwater Robot (ROV)